用途 Function: 体育运动 GYM 所在地 Location: 北京 BEIJING,CHINA 实施阶段 Phase:    已建成 BUILT 周期 Construction Period: 7YEARS 完成日 Complete Time: 2019 规模 Size: 地上6层  6 Floor 建筑面积 Floor Area: 16000 sqm
- During modernization, education in China breaks away from the obsolete test- oriented mentality and gradually embraces the comprehensive learning instead. University, as the pioneer in school system and in society as well, is urged to invent a new learning model to revolutionize the framework in education. Although being an engineering school, Beijing Institute of Technology has a legacy of integrating science and humanity and contextualizing them in a larger social context. The recent pedagogy of the school consciously counter-balances its heavy loaded polytechnic studies with art and sports. Sited in Liangxiang, the satellite city of Beijing, the BIT Sports Center, along with the BIT Stadium, frame an entrance to the extended exurb BIT campus. The project responses to the horizontality embedded in the site: with the panoramic landscape of Yan-Shan mountain chain as the background, the modernist and post- modernist campus as the midground, and the ambitious urban parks as the foreground. The project bases its tectonic on “amplitude” and “trajectory projection”—the major study areas of BIT—to stretch its formal expression on a flat site, allowing the free flow of people and thought beneath it. Besides, the parametric expression of the project also addresses the historic context of Beijing by reinstating the greyish monolithic tone in the materiality of Hutong and Great-wall. The undulating roof of the project recreates the curve ground of the Great-wall with modern construction. The project’s austere metallic architecture statement, along with its parametric syntax, express the science and technological aesthetics that BIT is striving for. The severe long winter in Beijing calls for 15,692 sm. of indoor athlete space to be add to the new campus by the sports center. The project encompasses a 3000- seats basketball hall, a 10-lanes swimming pool, and spaces for martial art, taekwondo, table tennis, etc. As building form is kept simple and compact for the climate, the challenge lies in revolutionizing big-box typology from within; The humanistic landscape is created through crafting the programmatic and spatial complexity of the interior rather than the exterior. With Mies’ “Universal Space” and Cedric Price’s “Fun Palace” in mind, the project creates an open field of porous campus that encourage visual and physical access to abundant activities. The transparency in space inspires trans-disciplinary dialogues among students. The project’s spatial porosity engages creativity, criticality, and collaboration. New social space typology is invented, as communication occurs in a more fluid and spontaneous way, and people are joint together through inspiration and active participation. Communal space with various scales and flexible spatial definitions are thus created for new forms of networking, gathering and group activities. The architecture offers a new education model: active learning from being inspired in a stimulating field. Space is permeable in both urban and architecture scales, through plan and section. In plan, an entrance promenade, sandwiched between swimming pool and basketball hall, connects north and south campuses. As the glass enclosing basketball hall at the south east corner merges with street life and the BIT stadium, the urban context of intersection is redefined with vitality and inclusiveness. The compressed and continuous human scale aperture at the swimming pool links the sports center to the central campus square. In section, as program interfaces are designed to be transparent, vertical permeability is achieved by nesting programs within one and another. Programs behind swimming pool—taekwondo, table tennis and testing center—at second, third and fourth floors, all have different apertures into the swimming pool and share its skylight as supplemental light source. While the basketball hall seating is elevated, the ground plate becomes flexible, and programs on the ground are interconnected and join seamlessly into the campus life. The third- floor platforms are placed in strategic points of space which overlooks the basketball hall, the entrance promenade, the swimming pool, and the campus beyond. To response to BIT’s call for unity between art and science, the project attempts to reiterate Leonardo da Vinci’s interdisciplinary dialogue on science, architecture, and art. Da Vinci’s drawing of the “Flying Machine” was the initial inspiration for the project. The project attempts to build a floating “Flying Machine” with “trajectory parabola” derived from Polytechnique studies. Three sets of “trajectory parabola,” drawn across sky, are loft to obtain three sets of double curvature surfaces; each set of curve surfaces forms a undulating volume to be the roof of the building; the discrepancies between the undulating volumes are sealed with glass wall to form the clerestories for the building. The undulating volumes is constructed in space-frame to accommodate the topological changes in section. Standing-seam roofing is used to cover the top of the space-frame while three dimensionally tessellated aluminum panels are used for the suspended ceiling beneath the space-frame. Due to budgetary, scheduling and construction ability constrains, the parametric design of the project encounters tremendous challenges during its execution. The project locates in a strong wind zone. The huge cantilever was challenged by the uplifting wind pressure of the site. A wind tunnel test was done to understand the wind load and base the structure design upon. Besides, wind- resisting-clips were also used to secure the standing-seam panels on the roof. Also, rainwater runoff represented a substantial problem for the convex part of the topological surface of the roof, as water collected there might cause flood and leakage. The design solution was to place more catch basins in the convex gutter, and enlarge drainage pipe size accordingly. In order to prevent heavy snow from falling directly onto the ground, the design modified the slop of the topological roof surface to have the roof hold the snow before it melted into the gutter, and snow guard was also used in addition. We collaborate intensively with structural engineers to optimize structure design; by reshaping the curvature of the roof, we were able to reduce the usage of steel tremendously. For the over budgeting problem during construction, we tried to integrate design and simplify solutions to meet the budget while keeping the design intact.
新北京理工大学体育中心位于北京卫星城良乡,连同新的体育馆,二者一起构 筑了新校区的入口。体育中心为学校增添了约15700㎡的运动空间,包括3000个座位 的篮球场、10条泳道的游泳馆、健身房、武术空间以及拳击室、跆拳道、乒乓球活动 空间等。 北京理工大学是一所长期专注于军事科学的大学,在这个项目中,我们从莱奥 纳多·达·芬奇的飞行器以及军事科学中广泛应用的抛物线中汲取灵感,延续了达·芬奇 关于科学、建筑和艺术之间的跨学科对话:在研究了相关学科的艺术和科学史之后, 创造了三个漂浮在空中的相关联的表面作为建筑物的屋顶,空间网架结构支撑起这些 曲面构成的拓扑关联体的屋面,直立锁边的金属屋面系统和幕墙体系覆盖整个屋面和 立面。金属铝大量使用于屋顶、天花板和立面上使建筑具有统一的金属色调,呼应了 军事领域中的工业美学。 正如达·芬奇所倡导的“文艺复兴人”一样,个体应该在身体和心智方面都表现出 强大的优势。北京理工大学体育中心旨在建立一个多维的开放的校园,同时培养学生 的心智与身体,鼓励学生的在校际之间开展对话。我们在城市、建筑两个维度上希望 能够传达出对话空间可能,主要是通过平面和剖面两个层面上创造出空间的渗透性, 在城市维度上:篮球馆位于建筑的东南角,将体育馆与校园主要交通流线和街道生活 融为一体;而西部的游泳池则与校园中心广场相连。在建筑尺度上:由于篮球馆的座 位被抬高了一层,下方的空间在首层都是相通的,因而室内与室外也形成了很好的联 系——从街道到校园,在首层建立了一个新的地平线和视觉渗透;一条内置的入口长 廊置于游泳池和篮球馆之间,其南北两个出口正好连接了此前分割的南北校区;在三 楼的篮球座位顶部,有一个大窗户,可以俯瞰入口长廊、大厅对面的游泳池以及游泳 池一侧的校园;在二楼、三楼和四楼,游泳池后面的运动室——跆拳道、乒乓球和测 试中心——都有不同的路径进入游泳池,并且共享来自游泳上方的天窗。由于拥有透 明的空间界面,垂直的空间穿透是通过剖面上相互嵌套的功能得以实现。
京公网安备11010802014039号               FULL SITE©ATELIER ALTER
用途 Function: 体育运动 GYM 所在地 Location: 北京 BEIJING,CHINA 实施阶段 Phase:    已建成 BUILT 周期 Construction Period: 7YEARS 完成日 Complete Time: 2019 规模 Size: 地上6层  6 Floor 建筑面积 Floor Area: 16000 sqm During modernization, education in China breaks away from the obsolete test-oriented mentality and gradually embraces the comprehensive learning instead. University, as the pioneer in school system and in society as well, is urged to invent a new learning model to revolutionize the framework in education. Although being an engineering school, Beijing Institute of Technology has a legacy of integrating science and humanity and contextualizing them in a larger social context. The recent pedagogy of the school consciously counter-balances its heavy loaded polytechnic studies with art and sports. Sited in Liangxiang, the satellite city of Beijing, the BIT Sports Center, along with the BIT Stadium, frame an entrance to the extended exurb BIT campus. The project responses to the horizontality embedded in the site: with the panoramic landscape of Yan-Shan mountain chain as the background, the modernist and post-modernist campus as the midground, and the ambitious urban parks as the foreground. The project bases its tectonic on “amplitude” and “trajectory projection”—the major study areas of BIT—to stretch its formal expression on a flat site, allowing the free flow of people and thought beneath it. Besides, the parametric expression of the project also addresses the historic context of Beijing by reinstating the greyish monolithic tone in the materiality of Hutong and Great-wall. The undulating roof of the project recreates the curve ground of the Great-wall with modern construction. The project’s austere metallic architecture statement, along with its parametric syntax, express the science and technological aesthetics that BIT is striving for. The severe long winter in Beijing calls for 15,692 sm. of indoor athlete space to be add to the new campus by the sports center. The project encompasses a 3000-seats basketball hall, a 10-lanes swimming pool, and spaces for martial art, taekwondo, table tennis, etc. As building form is kept simple and compact for the climate, the challenge lies in revolutionizing big-box typology from within; The humanistic landscape is created through crafting the programmatic and spatial complexity of the interior rather than the exterior. With Mies’ “Universal Space” and Cedric Price’s “Fun Palace” in mind, the project creates an open field of porous campus that encourage visual and physical access to abundant activities. The transparency in space inspires trans-disciplinary dialogues among students. The project’s spatial porosity engages creativity, criticality, and collaboration. New social space typology is invented, as communication occurs in a more fluid and spontaneous way, and people are joint together through inspiration and active participation. Communal space with various scales and flexible spatial definitions are thus created for new forms of networking, gathering and group activities. The architecture offers a new education model: active learning from being inspired in a stimulating field. Space is permeable in both urban and architecture scales, through plan and section. In plan, an entrance promenade, sandwiched between swimming pool and basketball hall, connects north and south campuses. As the glass enclosing basketball hall at the south east corner merges with street life and the BIT stadium, the urban context of intersection is redefined with vitality and inclusiveness. The compressed and continuous human scale aperture at the swimming pool links the sports center to the central campus square. In section, as program interfaces are designed to be transparent, vertical permeability is achieved by nesting programs within one and another. Programs behind swimming pool—taekwondo, table tennis and testing center—at second, third and fourth floors, all have different apertures into the swimming pool and share its skylight as supplemental light source. While the basketball hall seating is elevated, the ground plate becomes flexible, and programs on the ground are interconnected and join seamlessly into the campus life. The third-floor platforms are placed in strategic points of space which overlooks the basketball hall, the entrance promenade, the swimming pool, and the campus beyond. To response to BIT’s call for unity between art and science, the project attempts to reiterate Leonardo da Vinci’s interdisciplinary dialogue on science, architecture, and art. Da Vinci’s drawing of the “Flying Machine” was the initial inspiration for the project. The project attempts to build a floating “Flying Machine” with “trajectory parabola” derived from Polytechnique studies. Three sets of “trajectory parabola,” drawn across sky, are loft to obtain three sets of double curvature surfaces; each set of curve surfaces forms a undulating volume to be the roof of the building; the discrepancies between the undulating volumes are sealed with glass wall to form the clerestories for the building. The undulating volumes is constructed in space- frame to accommodate the topological changes in section. Standing-seam roofing is used to cover the top of the space-frame while three dimensionally tessellated aluminum panels are used for the suspended ceiling beneath the space-frame. Due to budgetary, scheduling and construction ability constrains, the parametric design of the project encounters tremendous challenges during its execution. The project locates in a strong wind zone. The huge cantilever was challenged by the uplifting wind pressure of the site. A wind tunnel test was done to understand the wind load and base the structure design upon. Besides, wind-resisting-clips were also used to secure the standing-seam panels on the roof. Also, rainwater runoff represented a substantial problem for the convex part of the topological surface of the roof, as water collected there might cause flood and leakage. The design solution was to place more catch basins in the convex gutter, and enlarge drainage pipe size accordingly. In order to prevent heavy snow from falling directly onto the ground, the design modified the slop of the topological roof surface to have the roof hold the snow before it melted into the gutter, and snow guard was also used in addition. We collaborate intensively with structural engineers to optimize structure design; by reshaping the curvature of the roof, we were able to reduce the usage of steel tremendously. For the over budgeting problem during construction, we tried to integrate design and simplify solutions to meet the budget while keeping the design intact. 新北京理工大学体育中心位于北京卫星城良乡,连同新 的体育馆,二者一起构筑了新校区的入口。体育中心为学校 增添了约15700㎡的运动空间,包括3000个座位的篮球 场、10条泳道的游泳馆、健身房、武术空间以及拳击室、跆 拳道、乒乓球活动空间等。 北京理工大学是一所长期专注于军事科学的大学,在这 个项目中,我们从莱奥纳多·达·芬奇的飞行器以及军事科学 中广泛应用的抛物线中汲取灵感,延续了达·芬奇关于科学、 建筑和艺术之间的跨学科对话:在研究了相关学科的艺术和 科学史之后,创造了三个漂浮在空中的相关联的表面作为建 筑物的屋顶,空间网架结构支撑起这些曲面构成的拓扑关联 体的屋面,直立锁边的金属屋面系统和幕墙体系覆盖整个屋 面和立面。金属铝大量使用于屋顶、天花板和立面上使建筑 具有统一的金属色调,呼应了军事领域中的工业美学。 正如达·芬奇所倡导的“文艺复兴人”一样,个体应该在身 体和心智方面都表现出强大的优势。北京理工大学体育中心 旨在建立一个多维的开放的校园,同时培养学生的心智与身 体,鼓励学生的在校际之间开展对话。我们在城市、建筑两 个维度上希望能够传达出对话空间可能,主要是通过平面和 剖面两个层面上创造出空间的渗透性,在城市维度上:篮球 馆位于建筑的东南角,将体育馆与校园主要交通流线和街道 生活融为一体;而西部的游泳池则与校园中心广场相连。在 建筑尺度上:由于篮球馆的座位被抬高了一层,下方的空间 在首层都是相通的,因而室内与室外也形成了很好的联系 ——从街道到校园,在首层建立了一个新的地平线和视觉渗 透;一条内置的入口长廊置于游泳池和篮球馆之间,其南北 两个出口正好连接了此前分割的南北校区;在三楼的篮球座 位顶部,有一个大窗户,可以俯瞰入口长廊、大厅对面的游 泳池以及游泳池一侧的校园;在二楼、三楼和四楼,游泳池 后面的运动室——跆拳道、乒乓球和测试中心——都有不同的 路径进入游泳池,并且共享来自游泳上方的天窗。由于拥有 透明的空间界面,垂直的空间穿透是通过剖面上相互嵌套的 功能得以实现。